New Blog Posts, New Deindustrial Fiction

I wanted to drop in for a quick update from your friend editor and publisher, as there are things happening elsewhere that I want you all to be aware of.

First of all, there’s new deindustrial fiction afoot! Yes, New Maps is officially up and running, with the first issue of the new deindustrial fiction quarterly shipping out. It’s funny, this is not my magazine and other than a bit of advice to its editor and publisher, Nathanael Bonnell, I have had no role in getting it out into the world, yet I feel some of the same excitement I felt when I first launched Into the Ruins. I can’t wait to read New Maps‘ first issue and to get the experience of being on the other side, as a reader opening its pages to discover exciting new worlds. I’m hoping, with New Maps, that we get a nice long run of fascinating deindustrial stories, and that the magazine ushers in the next development phase of the subgenre. You can help make that happen, and get a lot of good reading in the process, by picking up a copy of the first issue or subscribing.

What else? Well, as always, I have been busy over on my author website and blog. My latest post, “The Land Speaks,” is a musing on the ways in which particular landscapes and places play such a central and inspiring role in my writing. Before that, “The World as Mystery: Life, Here and There” kicked off what I plan as a series of posts on the mysteries of the world and universe around us. In the first post, I speculate about what kind of life might be out there on other planets—and what kinds we don’t recognize right here on our own. Expect more on this and related subjects in the future.

Of course, the site includes plenty else, from stories to essays to fragments, all for your reading enjoyment. It’s a good place to keep up with all I’m doing, all I’m thinking, and all I’m putting out into the world. So visit and bookmark, join the email list, and keep apprised of all my latest endeavors.

As a final note, if you have not yet stocked up on all issues of Into the Ruins, or if you want to gift some to friends and families, don’t forget about my ongoing sale at the Special Deals page. All fifteen back issues are $10 each, the sixteenth and final issue is $12, and all orders ship free in the U.S.

That’s all for now. I’ll be back with more later, including a future review of New Maps when I’ve received my issue and had a chance to read through it. I hope you all are well.