A New Place in the World

I have already announced the launch of my new author website on the Into the Ruins email list, but I wanted to give it a shout out here on the blog, as well. While it remains a work in progress, it is coming along. I have posted three blog posts, with both a somewhat strange introduction, a brief discussion of science fiction and my intentions for the new site, and today’s post about the arrival of spring at such a strange point in time. If you have not yet visited, please do me the favor of stopping by.

I will continue to post more content there, including new stories. I have a few in the works, and I expect to debut at least one of them on the new site in due time.

And if you like what you find there, or you are a fan of my voice from the magazine, please point others in the direction, as well. I would love to continue to build an audience, to continue to carry on a conversation with you all, and to continue to get my work out into the world.

Thank you all for your support and I hope to see you over at the new site soon.